Things are getting busy, the house is full of little voices practising jungle bells and lines from the little fir tree. I've been writing lists in an attempt to keep my head clear, not sure if its working! I found time on Saturday, to visit the beautiful Great Dixter christmas fair, lots of inspiring crafts and interesting people and delicious hot spiced apple juice.
I went to Battle wool shop with Cherry, to get yarn for christmas slippers, we couldn't resist the colours of one ball in particular and just had to spend an hour watching cbeebies while I knitted it into a scarf!
I bought a wreath ring at Dixter, which I've decorated and hung on the wall while I consider whether or not it is finished. It looks a bit skinny but I'm worried if I fiddle with it any more it may all fall apart. I spent too much time hand drawing christmas cards yesterday, but am happy with the result and found it relaxing, even if the washing didn't get done and Freddie had to cook the dinner!